The Rajant Hawk BreadCrumb® is Rajant’s new dual transceiver industrial-grade high-performance BreadCrumb platform. The Hawk has a signalling capacity of 1.7 Gbps and up to 6X enhanced throughput performance over existing BreadCrumbs. It offers multiple MIMO radio interfaces, high throughput, and enhanced security performance with 256QAM and up to 80MHz channels.

Utilizing the Hawk Platform to Your Advantage

The Hawk is our high-performance BreadCrumb platform. Combined with Rajant’s patented InstaMesh protocol, the Hawk is capable of integrating Kinetic Mesh wireless networks with other networks such as LTE/5G. The Hawk is part of Rajant’s initiative to develop deeply integrated solutions that securely combine data from connected people, vehicles, machines, and sensors, with machine learning. This data combination unlocks the benefits of process optimization, digital twins, predictive analytics, condition-based maintenance, augmented reality, and virtual reality while improving worker safety. The Hawk is interoperable with all of our Breadcrumb models to expand market capabilities for industries like rail, shipping ports, military, mining, public safety, and heavy construction.

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